Coffee Do’s And Don’t’s That You Should Try Out!


Coffee is something that people from all walks of life have long considered to be a dietary staple. A strong foundation of knowledge when it comes to coffee can help those who love it get even greater enjoyment from drinking their daily cups. The tips that follow below are a great to place to get started building that base.

If you are a heavy coffee drinker make lunch you last cup. Drinking caffeine in the afternoon and evening can seriously effect your ability to sleep soundly. As long as you don’t load your coffee up with too many calories it is just fine to have several cups during the morning hours.

Do you enjoy strong coffee? You should try using a French press instead of a drip machine. Pressing the coffee means more oil will end up in your beverage instead of being retained by the filter of your coffee machine. You will find that pressed coffee has more flavor and contains more caffeine.

A good coffee grinder is a must for producing great coffee at home. Grinding coffee beans just prior to brewing will help create a fresher taste. Many coffee grinders have variable settings in determining the coarseness of your coffee grinds that you wind up with. You can find coffee grinders that are built into a coffee machine if you have limited space.

You don’t need expensive machines to froth the milk for your coffee. Heat milk in the microwave until is is steaming. Once the milk is steaming, use a whisk and whip the handle quickly between your palms. Continue this to make the milk foamy. Use half-and-half, whole, or 2 percent milk for better results.

Avoid using pre-flavored and packaged coffee beans. These beans are sprayed with extra oils that are very difficult to clean out of grinders and coffee machines. That oil stays in the machines and mixes with later batches causing strange-tasting coffee. They also tend to make the coffee smell better than it tastes.

Fair trade coffee is not only delicious, but buying it supports developing countries. While fair trade coffee usually is a little more expensive, you are going to agree that it has a much better taste. Aside from that, you’ll also be aiding farmer cooperatives that really need the help.

Coffee starts to lose flavor about six hours after it is initially roasted. This is why you should do everything you can to keep your coffee from getting a lot of air. When you store your coffee, use an airtight container so you can keep the quality of each cup at a high level.

Don’t let your coffee stay on the burner for any longer than 20 minutes after you have made it. By letting it sit there; you will find your coffee to have a harsh taste. Furthermore, leaving it on the burner for too long can burn both the pot and the coffee.

If visiting a coffeehouse for a cup of coffee is your usual idea of breakfast, take a moment during your next visit to take a look at their food offerings. You might still be able to get a balanced and nutritious breakfast on the go with the sandwiches and croissants that they have available.

Iced coffee isn’t as simply as making hot coffee and then adding ice. This waters down your coffee. A better way to make iced coffee is to freeze coffee as you would ice cubes and use those instead. Once they’re frozen, get them out so they can melt.

If you do not grind your own coffee, you should consider doing so. The best and most flavorful cup of coffee will come from freshly ground beans. Coffee grinders are not very expensive and this extra step only takes a minute. You will notice the difference in taste from your very first cup.

If you have strong smells on your hands that will not come out, you should try wetting your hands and then scrubbing them with some used coffee grounds. They will absorb any odors on your hands and have them smelling fresh and clean in no time. Make sure that you rinse them well after you are done.

A bit of salt may help to reduce an acidic taste in your coffee. Don’t add too much though. Just a tiny amount will do the trick. You can even try sea salt, and you will have a balanced, natural flavor with trace minerals.

Try pre-wetting coffee filters. This helps heat glass and ceramic brewers, along with rinsing away extra flavors that dry paper filters may transfer into your cup. Start by opening up the filter, then placing it in your cone brewer with a pitcher or coffee mug underneath. Finish by pouring some near-boiling water through it in order to wet all of the sides.

Look up coffee recipes online and you will find that you can make most fancy beverages you can find in coffee shops. And the best part is, all the ingredients you need are easy to find and cheaper than anything you will find in coffee shops. You should always keep some milk, different kinds of nuts, caramel and chocolate syrup so you can make your favorite beverages.

Do your own math. The ratio of coffee to water you use is very important. However, not all coffee pots are alike. Pay attention to how much your coffee pot will hold. Don’t just trust the instructions on the back of your coffee’s packaging. Do your own math to get the ratio just right.

You can use old coffee grinds to stave off ants around your homes. Yes, it’s just one of the many benefits of coffee. Ants hate the smell of coffee, and so it acts as a repellant. Coffee grinds also make great compost. If you can save them for this purpose, it will benefit you.

It is difficult to find people who do not relish even the occasional cup of coffee. However, the key to getting the most out of drinking coffee is to acquire a thorough knowledge of brewing, selecting and enhancing it. The piece above is a perfect starting point for beginning the process.